Munay Ki

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Munay Ki is a Peruvian shamanic practice that is said to promote healing, personal growth and spiritual connection. The practice is based on the belief that the universe is composed of energy that can be used for healing. Shamanic practice is said to help people connect with this energy and use it to promote healing in themselves and others.

  • What is Munay Ki?

    What is Munay Ki?

    Munay Ki is a Peruvian shamanic practice that is said to promote healing, personal growth and spiritual connection. The practice is based on the belief that the universe is composed of energy that can be used for healing. Munay Ki is said to help people connect with this energy and use it to promote healing…

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  • Munay-ki side effects

    Munay-ki side effects

    Munay-ki is a Quechua word that means “love.” In the Andean tradition, Munay ki is understood as a power or energy that is transmitted through the heart. It is said that when we connect with Munay ki, we open ourselves up to limitless possibilities for love and compassion in our lives. Munay-ki is often described…

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  • Munay ki rites training

    Munay ki rites training

    What is Munay Ki Rites The Munay Ki rites are a series of nine rites that are meant to heal the earth and the people who live on it. The rites were created by the Q’ero shamans of Peru, and they are meant to bring about a new era of peace and balance. The first…

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